11 Fun Ways to Use Aquafaba in a Vegan Diet
11 Fun Ways to Use Aquafaba in A Vegan Diet
1. Omelet
Aquafaba is an eggcellent vegan egg white substitute, making it appropriate for a breakfast essential… This vegan...
Mankai Duckweed: The Latest Superfood Trend
Mankai duckweed is making waves in the superfood world. As a high-protein aquatic strain that sounds more like fiction than fact, it has many asking,...
8 Gluten-Free Tips for Beginners
The hype of a gluten-free diet has provoked many followers. But considering just how deep gluten in the food supply actually is, many individuals may not realize...
10 Satisfying & Healthier Soda Alternatives
Soda is virtually everywhere via advertisements, restaurants, convenience and grocery stores, and vending machines. So, really, it is not so surprising drinking soda is common...
The Real Truth Behind the Coconut Oil Debate
The debate of “Is coconut oil good or bad for you?” continues after the American Heart Association (AHA) released a Presidential Advisory just recently. According to the...
The Most Unique Plant-Based Food List
It is easy to get into the routine of getting the same fruits, vegetables, and grains every week. However, when looking past the common and...
A Surprising Link Between Blood Sugar and Anxiety
Sugar (noun): The latest villain reigning the obesity and diabetes epidemic the U.S. is facing.
While the sweet stuff is in the spotlight for its ramifications on physical...
What Is Mushroom Coffee? Benefits, Nutrition & More
Does it seem there are more mushroom products in grocery and health food stores? It is true: mushrooms are a growing trendy food that can...
What is Ampalaya Tea and Can You Benefit From Drinking It
What is Ampalaya Tea?
Ampalaya tea is created from bitter melons, a unique tropical plant recognized as both a fruit and vegetable. Bitter melons are known to be...
15+ Healthy Sweets & Treats for Any Diet
On one hand sweets and desserts are delicious, but on the other, they are high in added sugar and empty calories. Health experts advise limiting...