6 Ways to Cut and Eat A Star Fruit

You do not have to reach far to the sky for this tropical fruit, as it can be likely found at your nearest grocers! Star fruit can...

6 Simple Ways to Ripen Bananas Quickly

You're standing in front of the banana section only to find a sea of green, unripened fruit. And those big, upcoming plans for them – in your...

Stress-Reducing Tips and Mindfulness

Stress and Telomeres Telomeres are casings on the ends of DNA, protecting it against damage. And though the two largest factors in telomere length are aging and genetics...

10 Tricks to Avoid the Halloween Treat Temptations

10 Tricks to Avoid the Halloween Treat Temptations 1. Purchase Individual Pieces Big bags of M&M’s and large candy bars heighten the risk of overindulging. But by purchasing individually-wrapped...

What to Look for in Bone Broth and Bone Broth Supplements

The inclusion of bone broth in the diet has been placed on a tall pedestal related to its potent nutrients from the broth itself, along with the...

How to Deflate Belly Bloat

How to Deflate A Bloated Belly Don’t Overdo Fiber Although fiber has significant health benefits, overdoing it may cause a bloated belly. Men and women should strive for 38...

Feeling Blue on Holidays? Here’s How to Fight Holiday Sadness

The holiday season can be full of merriment. However, "holiday blues", holiday sadness, and post-holiday depression may be more common than one would think. Between...

10 Ways to Stay Healthy at a Party

How to Stay Healthy at A Party 1. Remember Priorities Before heading to the party, remember your priorities. While there is more to life than a rigorous diet and...

6 Thanksgiving Health Myths

Myth #1: Turkey makes you tired. The Truth: Perhaps one of the most recognized turkey tales relates to that anticipated Thanksgiving nap. The theory of turkey making you...

8 Ways to Cook Healthier

Healthy Cooking Techniques and Tips 1. Keep the Kitchen Stocked Having healthy foods accessible encourages their use and lessens the risk of popping in a frozen pizza following a...

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