5 Signs You Might Be Eating too Much Protein

Protein is considered a valuable player in winning the game of weight loss. Although its intake is essential to health and can assist in weight loss, can...

A Complete Guide: Can Curcumin in Turmeric Help With All Things Related to Health?

Turmeric has been used medicinally for centuries to fight infections, treat digestive conditions, and ailments far and in between. Though its historical upbringing is extensive, can it...

6 Simple Ways to Ripen Bananas Quickly

You're standing in front of the banana section only to find a sea of green, unripened fruit. And those big, upcoming plans for them – in your...

10 Things You Shouldn’t Do First Thing in the Morning

A morning routine can make or break a day. The first things you do in the morning set the tone for the remainder of the...

6 Thanksgiving Health Myths

Myth #1: Turkey makes you tired. The Truth: Perhaps one of the most recognized turkey tales relates to that anticipated Thanksgiving nap. The theory of turkey making you...

The 10 Weirdest Onion Hacks

From topping a juicy burger to pairing fried rings with one, onions can bring you to tears. Literally. But do not cry over spilled milk chopped onions,...

10 Tricks to Avoid the Halloween Treat Temptations

10 Tricks to Avoid the Halloween Treat Temptations 1. Purchase Individual Pieces Big bags of M&M’s and large candy bars heighten the risk of overindulging. But by purchasing individually-wrapped...

How to Identify Toxins in Your Environment

Unlike the foods we choose to ingest, being exposed to toxins in the environment is often out of our control. Considering some of the compounds are poisonous and...

6 Ways to Cut and Eat A Star Fruit

You do not have to reach far to the sky for this tropical fruit, as it can be likely found at your nearest grocers! Star fruit can...

10 Satisfying & Healthier Soda Alternatives

Soda is virtually everywhere via advertisements, restaurants, convenience and grocery stores, and vending machines. So, really, it is not so surprising drinking soda is common...

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