CBD for Weight Loss: A High Hope or Hoax?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a substance derived from the marijuana plant. Interestingly, too, everyone has their own endocannabinoid system (ECS) that mostly consists...

13 Morning Habits to Start Your Day Right

The Best Ways to Start Your Morning Wake Up Early And Wake Up Thankful Jot Your To-Do List Make the Bed Brush Your Teeth Brew Up Coffee ...

Should You Take Immune-Boosting Supplements When You’re Sick?

Do Immune-Boosting Vitamins Really Treat the Cold? Well-known immune-boosting vitamins and minerals include vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, selenium, and zinc. But do these immune...

10 Costco Items to Make Your Meal Prep Better (and Cheaper!)

10 Costco Items to Make Meal Prep Easier 1. Meats For all those meat lovers, Costco carries a plethora of animal-based proteins in both fresh and frozen forms. And...

10 Morning Habits of Successful People

10 Habits of Successful People Wake Up Grateful: Expressing gratitude influences attitude, mood, and behavior Meditate: Namaste to start your day Prioritize Tasks: Make productivity the name...

Gain Control Over Your Sleeping Disorder

What Are Sleeping Problems and Disorders? A sleep disorder is a condition frequently prevents and impacts the ability of getting a restful night’s sleep. While occasionally having trouble...

National Donor’s Day: Selfless Love on Valentine’s Day

Dedicated as the day of sharing love, Valentine's Day shares honor with another special sentiment known as National Donor Day.  National Donor...

How Can Blue Light Affect Your Sleep

What Is Blue Light? First off, light is made up of electromagnetic particles that travel in waves, producing energy and ranging in lengths and strengths; the shorter the...

13 Tips to Declutter Your Kitchen

How to Declutter a Kitchen 1. ABC Your Spices Using spices is a fun way to add flavor and depth to a number of dishes. That is, if you...

Is Nature Deficit Disorder Actually a Thing? How to Know If You Have It

What Is Nature Deficit Disorder? Nature deficit disorder (NDD) was coined by Richard Louv in his 2015 book Last Child in the Woods, which is based on the...

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