The Best Chest Workout for Men

Wanting to know how to build an upper chest, men? We thought so. So here are eight of the best chest exercises for men (and women). Oh, and...

The 14 Types of Yoga Explained

Practicing yoga has great health advantages, including weight loss, cardiovascular health, injury recovery, stress reduction, sleep improvement… Should we go on? But despite the influential and enticing...

6 Benefits of Power Yoga

What Is Power Yoga? Simply put, Power Yoga is an accelerated yoga, specifically a Vinyasa practice. Vinyasa meaning “arranging something in a special way,” the yoga type arranges...

What Is Functional Training? All You Need to Know

The concept of functional fitness may be a bit elusive, because so many different exercise schools (think CrossFit, boot camps, etc.) claim their style of...

8 Health Benefits of Running

8 Benefits of Running 1. Manages Weight It goes without saying all exercise is good exercise, but running may be one of the most effective forms when it comes...

7 Foam Roller Strengthening Exercises

Foam rollers offer great value in injury prevention, as they help smooth and lengthen tight muscles. While they are primarily used in post-workout recovery, foam rollers can...

Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises to Strengthen the Core

Often used interchangeably to describe six-pack abs, the core is actually a complex series of muscles and includes everything besides the arms and legs. A strong core...

How to Strengthen Legs

How to Strengthen Legs Aerobic Training Also known as cardio, aerobic training generally requires movements of the legs. Elevate your heart rate while strengthening the legs with these exercises: Walking Walking...

8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Although its well-known we should be doing it, intertwining exercise into our lifestyles may not be occurring for various reasons or excuses. Whether based on a fear...

9 Effective Cardio Workouts for People Who Hate Running

9 Cardio Alternatives to Running 1. Swimming Not only is swimming considered a valuable aerobic exercise, but strengthens muscle groups throughout the entire body. Swimming helps to tone and...

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