6 Health Benefits of Lentils

What Are Lentils? Apart of the legume family, lentils are an edible pulse. The bushy plant displays whitish to light purple pea-like flowers with pods, containing the edible...

Create a DIY Diet This New Year

This year you have committed to eating better and dieting. But what does that actually entail? With all the nutrition recommendations right at your fingertips, how does...

10 Healthy Baking Swaps

At a glance, that sweet treat looks nothing less than tempting and appetizing. But after deconstructing the ingredients and visualizing all the sugar, butter, and flour sprawled...

9 Fruits You Should Eat Every Day

Though we generally tend to believe all fruits and fruit products are healthful, some should be approached with caution. Though most nutrition experts do not like to...

6 Ways to Cut and Eat A Star Fruit

You do not have to reach far to the sky for this tropical fruit, as it can be likely found at your nearest grocers! Star fruit can...

6 Simple Ways to Ripen Bananas Quickly

You're standing in front of the banana section only to find a sea of green, unripened fruit. And those big, upcoming plans for them – in your...

5 Signs You Might Be Eating too Much Protein

Protein is considered a valuable player in winning the game of weight loss. Although its intake is essential to health and can assist in weight loss, can...

Everything You Want to Know About White Honey and its Health Benefits

According to documentation records, honey was the first natural sweetener put into use. From a million years ago to the present, it continues to sweeten and benefit...

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